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Last Updated: 2010/7/12

Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, Keith Jacobs, and Chairman Duane Giannini
Absent: James Viadero
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Director of Public Works Fred Hurley, 2 members of the press and 2 members of the public.


CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF THE MINUTES FOR: REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 4, 2010, REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2010 and SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2010: Commissioner Budd made the motion to accept the minutes of the REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, May 4, 2010 and addendum, the REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 2010 and the SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2010. Commissioner Jacobs second and the motion was unanimously approved.

4. CHIEF’S REPORT: Budget - Chief Kehoe reported that the Monthly Police Overtime report for the fiscal year was not yet completed. He told commissioners the department was in the black at the end of the fiscal year despite all the events that occurred in the last couple of months. Line Item Budget Balances – Chief Kehoe told commissioners that the department was close to where they will end up and said they will have a full report for the Police Commission’s next meeting in August. Purchase Order Memos – the Chief noted that the department has a few P.O.s to cover the money for next year for the CAD/RMS and to outfit the Police Patrol vehicles. Transfer Money – Chief Kehoe informed commissioner’s that in mid-June Finance Director Bob Tait had asked the department to transfer out $8,500 from the its budget to help to cover overages in the Canine (facility) budget. Fleet - The Chief reported that there was no change in the status of the fleet, but noted that there was repair work to a couple of police vehicles. Chief Kehoe told commissioner’s that copies of the Personnel Report from Sgt. Wisentaner and the Training Report from Lt. Mooney were in their packets. The Chief said there were numerous Letters of Gratitude for June for the following personnel: Officer Seabrook (2 letters), Officers Stinson and Baro (3 letters), Sgt Costello, Officer McCarthy, Department (CSP)(DPD) (2 letters), Sgt Froehlich, and Officers Ketchum and Kullgren. Correspondences – Chief Kehoe said he received a request from Mr. Hurley regarding larger and reflective signage for Hattertown Road. He noted that something more than speed limit signs were necessary to grab motorist’s attention. The Chief noted that the larger and reflective signage was necessary because other options were not available such as moving obstructions. Department Project Updates: Radio EnhancementChief Kehoe reported that there will be a meeting this Friday with the radio personnel. He said he expects the project to be completed in 2 or 2 ½ months and noted that they are way ahead of schedule. Chief’s Goals Update – The Chief reported Space Needs is status quo and that the CAD/RMS will be upgraded to Version 9 the week after next and he added that hopefully it will solve some of the “bugs”. Chief Kehoe told commissioners that the Accreditation people were building files. In regards to Management/Labor Relations the Chief reported that he had meetings with 10 officers privately and confidentially to review evaluation reports and ask them questions about the department. He noted that he asked them what they would change if they were Chief and noted the forum provided for some very spirited conversations.

5. CAPTAIN’S REPORT:  Captain Rios reported that the Written Incident Analysis Report – June 2010 was in the commissioner’s packets. He noted that the motor vehicle and DUI activity was in there and said a copy of the 2008 report they requested was included as well. Commissioner Walczak told the Captain he was pleased with the new graphs and charts included in the reports. Captain Rios informed the Police Commission that a copy of the Written Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report - April 2010 – by Sgt. Vanghele and the Written Monthly Detective Division Report – April 2010 – by Sgt. Froehlich were also in their packets. The Captain reported that several burglaries were cleared and solved and that warrants were applied for. He emphasized that the detectives were doing a very serious job. DUI check point – Captain Rios told commissioners they had initiated their DUI check point in June. Chairman Giannini smiled and said he was well aware of the check point and joked that it was initiated right across from the house where he attended a birthday celebration that evening. Captain Rios jokingly asked the Chairman where the next party was. Tobacco Sting – The Captain reported that undercover individuals went to several businesses to see if they would sell tobacco to minors. He added that three businesses were sited.
6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a.) Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Redesign of Monthly Packets (Commissioners Walczak and Chairman Giannini) – Chairman Giannini handed out a copies noting that it was still in “draft format”. In the draft –which included feedback he received - is encapsulated what they thought the new packet should look like. He noted that in Phase I they focused on two main issues what can be done immediately and what they can do to go green by eliminating the need for multiple printing. He noted that commissioners could be emailed items eliminating the need to duplicate them in their packets. In Phase II Chairman Giannini suggested that all the information be put into on giant PDF file for an overhead display at the meetings which could eliminate the need for packets all together. Employee Relations (Commissioners Viadero and Jacobs) – Commissioner Jacobs said that he and Commissioner Viadero met with some of the Union members. He also noted that Commissioner Jacobs was able to gain the assistance of a fellow associate at Sacred Heart who will administer a survey to Newtown Police Department at no cost. Commissioner Jacobs said they discussed the survey with the union and they are looking for some sample questions to incorporate into the survey. Commissioner Walczak asked if the commission/ department would own the questions and Commissioner Jacobs said he didn’t think that would be a problem. Commissioner Jacobs concluded by noting that he and Commissioner Viadero would be attending the next Union meeting in a month or so. Crosswalk Safety (Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini) – Chairman Giannini reported that they will be getting on it and that the target date for completion is October 2010. Animal Control (Commissioners Budd and Viadero) – Chairman Giannini said to Commissioner Budd that it looks like he and Commissioner Viadero are “well along on it.”

b.) Discussion and comments on 6 month review of Key Rock Road enforcement initiatives – Chairman Giannini said he felt awkward discussing the matter without the residents’ spokesman James Walsh being present, but he noted that he wanted to move the matter along. According to the Chairman, the board has gone through ever piece of information back to 2008. Using the three E’s – Education, Enforcement and Engineering, he believed that the police commissioners were at the engineering phase. The Chairman noted that Mr. Walsh has met all the requirements and he wants to see this through.
Chairman Giannini moved to put a Traffic Calming Device – mainly a Speed Table – somewhere on Key Rock Road in the area of North Branch Road to be decided by  the town engineer or whoever the commission designates, provided the appropriate traffic calming documentation is obtained and pending the review of a location on Key Rock Road. Commissioner Walczak seconded and following a brief discussion the motion was unanimously carried.   
Mr. Hurley informed commissioners that public works has two speed tables available and that each would require one day of labor to be installed – two days total labor for both. Commissioner Giannini asked if they could be put in place before the 2010-2011 school year begins, and Mr. Hurley said “Absolutely, yes.”Mr. Hurley suggested that one be put in place on either side of the intersection of North Branch Road on Key Rock Road  Commissioner Walczak said he believes neighbors have to be polled first, but Chairman Giannini said that because the Commission put the matter on the “fast track” they have the authority to move it forward. Mr. Hurley informed commissioners that the Speed Tables can be set up so emergency vehicles can go through them. He noted that this can be done by staggering the Speed table. Chairman Giannini said the commission needs to reach out to the emergency services.
While he had the floor, Mr. Hurley asked if he could update the commission on the Pedestrian Activated Crosswalk Signals. Mr. Hurley said that in a discussion he had with the First Selectman, the First Selectman suggested that if the police department still wants their two pedestrian activated crosswalk signals that money could be pulled out of State funding that is coming in. Commissioner Walczak explained that the commission had already approved one of the devices for Glover Avenue and approval was pending for one to be located on Main Street in front of Edmond Town Hall. Regarding the funding, Chairman Giannini noted that it was good news.

c.) Discussion and comments on Plan of Conservation and Development update – Commissioner Giannini said they will have the information regarding the Plan of Conservation and Development by the next meeting.

7. NEW BUSINESS: As there were two members of the Ferris family present to address the parking issues on Rte 302 near the Creamery, Chairman Giannini asked for a motion to move the item up on the agenda.
Commissioner Walczak made the motion to move item 7c. Discussion and possible action on parking issues on Rte 302 near the Creamery forward under New Business. Commissioner Budd second and the motion was unanimously approved.

a.)Discussion and possible action on parking issues on RTE 302 near the Creamery – According to Chief, the matter came to light when they received an email from an anonymous citizen expressing their concerns about the parking along Rte 302 and the potentially dangerous situation that was present. He added that he had spoken to property owner Shirley Ferris regarding the issue and she was concerned. Chief Kehoe also noted that there are potential liability issues for the Creamery, the farm, the State and the Town. He said he sees the biggest issue when it gets dark. Chairman Giannini agreed saying he has seen it crowded with people parking all along the road.
Since they were present at the meeting, Chairman Giannini gave the Charles Ferris IV and Terry Ferris, manager of the Creamery, a copy of the letter.
Mr. Ferris told commissioners that in the beginning they moved a cow back to make more room for parking and that helped.
Recently, Mrs. Ferris said they asked to move another fence but were denied because it was too close to wetlands. She noted that there are currently 28 parking spaces and ten employees. Mrs. Ferris said she would have the employees’ park their vehicles up by the barn to free up more spaces and added that the Creamery would soon have a take-out window to speed up transactions.
Chairman Giannini suggested a uniformed officer with a police vehicle to slow traffic down.
Commissioner Walczak suggested eliminating parking on the opposite side of the road to eliminate people crossing the street.
Commissioner Budd suggested the possibility of a sidewalk and suggested expanding the lighting.
Chairman Giannini concluded that there is work to be done and the Chief thanked the Ferris’ for coming to the meeting.

b.) Discussion on 2009 Accident Review – Chairman Giannini informed commissioners that he had been in contact with an individual who wanted accident data on castle Hill and King. He noted that she said she travelled quite a bit and he later discovered she was a Fairfield resident with a vested interest in the intersection. According to the Chairman, the woman had a relative who was apparently in an accident at here. According to Mr. Hurley, the woman question what work was done on the road and wanted to know if the Town had been forced to do any work to the intersection do to accidents on the road.
Commissioner Walczak noted that under FOI can give her copies of all the reports.
Mr. Hurley said the woman wanted copies of the engineering reports, but he emphasized that there are no such reports.
Mr. Hurley asked if he could address four other issues at this time.
New Canine Facility - Mr. Hurley reported that the new canine facility rep was to get the construction manager on board to balance the pro-bono services to be provided with the funding from the Town. Mr. Hurley said the First Selectman told him to head the project and that he needed reps from the commission. He told commissioners that they are currently in the last round of well testing.
Inquiries regarding Bennett’s Bridge and Lake View Terrace – Mr. Hurley reported that there have been inquiries from Bennett’s Bridge and Lake View Terrace regarding the Traffic Calming Procedures.
Hanover Road – Mr. Hurley told commissioners that the guardrails near the bridge on Hanover Road need to be re-established due to edge of the road falling away. He suggested lowering that area of the road to create T-Walls to stabilize the guard rails. He noted that the other alternative would be filling the whole area which would involve going through Wetlands.
Fairfield Hills – Mr. Hurley reported that there are traffic issues up at Fairfield Hills and he favors doing a pedestrian crossing up there and possibly using a pedestrian activated crosswalk signal. He noted that it was a candidate for raised crosswalks. He also said that the current parking situation needs to be reviewed. Chairman Giannini told Mr. Hurley that the commission had met up at Fairfield Hills for exactly that reason – the traffic issues.
Chairman Giannini thanked Mr. Hurley for attending the meeting. Before the public works director left, Chief Kehoe informed him that the temperature had reached 95 degrees in the communications room that day and the servers were in danger of shutting down due to the heat.
Regarding the accident review, Commissioner Walczak suggested that Queen street be divided into upper and lower Queen street when reviewing the accidents. The Chief said he would lookm into it.

c.) Discussion on CIP for 2011-2012 – Chief Kehoe said he just received a memo from finance with regards to the 2011-2012 CIP. He noted that he is going to have a department head meeting to discuss these things. The Chief told commissioners that he thinks Town officials are hearing their story regarding the building. Chief Kehoe also noted that Baro will be another topic of conversation. The Chief noted that the budget could be reviewed in as early as October.


COMMISSIONER’S DISCUSSION AND PARTICIPATION: Chairman Giannini commended Police Detectives Dan McAnaspie and Joe Joudy for the swift, methodical work they did following the recent robbery of the Newtown Savings Bank. He also commended them for the apprehension of the two suspects.

EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary): none

ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING:  Commissioner Walczak moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 pm. Commissioner Budd seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.